Friday, February 15, 2019

Daily Devotional 02-15-2019

Happy Friday! The weekend is here and we can rest from this past week. It was a grueling week for me, but the Lord is good and helped me through it.

I Timothy 1:12 says:

And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,

This is an important verse for all who wish to serve our Father in Heaven. It shows us what is needed in order to be that good and faithful servant.

First, note that Jesus is the one who does the decision making. He is the one who gives us our gifts, our ability to do His work, He determines if we are faithful, and He puts us where He wants us.

But, there is another lesson to be learned. Jesus only puts us where He wants us, when we have been faithful. He can only open doors for us if we are faithful in the things we are given to do now.  We can look back and see the times we have been really faithful, and then dropped the ball, or got tired, or lazy. God still loves us and blesses us with what we need, but until we are faithful in the small things He has given us, He can't bless us with the grand life He has planned for us to do. We can't bless others in the way He wants us to.

This is not a message of condemnation, but one of encouragement. Let us work to be faithful in the small things so that Jesus can use us to our full potential, which He has give us the talent for.

May we bring joy to others and to our Father today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

-A brother in Jesus

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Daily Devotional 09-14-2019

Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters, fellow disciples of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19-20 says: So, brothers, we have confidence to use ...