Monday, September 15, 2014

Fall is on its way. and so is the Beard

Saturday and Sunday were absolutely beautiful days.  The temps were in the 70's both days and the skies were overcast.  It truly felt like Fall.  Fall is my favorite time of year, cool weather, cider, gallons of hot, fresh coffee, looming holidays, and lots of energy.  I don't like the shorter days, but the cooler weather allows me to get out and do a lot more around the yard.  It is kinda hard to work in 100+ degree weather with 70% or higher humidity.  I keep telling my wife that we need to move to a cooler climate.  One of these days, it may sink in, and we will find a place to move. Until then, I strive to be content where I am.

With Fall, comes the beard.  I enjoy this as I do not like to shave.  However, I will attempt to keep my beard more tamed than I did last year.  Last year, I just let the beard grow wild, and ended up looking like a mountain man.  It got to about 6" in length before I cut it off as a gift to my wife.  She hates the full beard. However, I did get her to agree to allow me to grow a beard during the winter months.  It does wonders for keeping my face warm, especially when I am out hunting.  Here is to beard growing season!

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Daily Devotional 09-14-2019

Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters, fellow disciples of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19-20 says: So, brothers, we have confidence to use ...