Wednesday, September 10, 2014

TAD, PAD, and Devotions

TAD and PAD, both are "afflictions" that those of us who smoke pipes suffer from.  TAD is Tobacco Acquisition Disorder, and PAD is Pipe Acquisition Disorder.  Neither are bad things, but just like other things in life, they can take over your wallet and web time in a heartbeat.  There are other types of disorders that some pipers suffer from.... LAD (Lighter Acquisition Disorder) RAD (Rack Acquisition Disorder) and tAD (Tamper Acquisition Disorder).

I primarily suffer from TAD.  The reasons for this are as follows:
1) tobacco doesn't get any cheaper.  Having a cellar stored up allows one to go through tough times without suffering with the lack of baccy to smoke.
2) I like to try different blends.  There are hundreds, if not thousands of different blends to try.  I may love some and hate others.  You can't try them if you don't have them
3) Sales.  Sometimes there are excellent sales or deals that one just can't pass up. is notorious for selling  different blends at a heavily discounted rate every month.  I try to take advantage of this as it allows my cellar to grow by leaps and bounds.  (I now have close to 16 lbs of cellared tobacco) This should last me several years if I suddenly couldn't buy anymore.
4) Ageing tobacco.  A lot of blends really benefit from ageing in the tins or jars.  They loose their sharpness and gain sweetness, or the flavors just blend better over time.  Sometimes I can find aged tins for cheap.  ie.  I just scored some 4 yr old tins of Esoterica Penzance and Butera Pelican for a very cheap price (traded some tobacco I had).  I snagged it up as both are very difficult to find, or not in production anymore (pelican).  The aged baccys are worth much more than I paid, and can, in the future be used as an income source, or as a barter item for baccy that I prefer.

Today, I just got in an order of tobaccos that I truly enjoy, PS Luxury Bulls-Eye Flake, PS Luxury Twist Flake, and Newminster Superior Round Slices (smells and tastes of wild honey)  These weren't on sale, but I was running low on these blends that I smoke regularly.  I got 4 oz of each.  They will last me a few months.

I just recently suffered a major attack of PAD.  I scored 6 handmade Briar Spirit Pipes in a trade and 3 estate pipes.  I have kept 4 of the BSP pipes and 1 of the estates. I traded off 1 of the BSP and one of the estate pipes. And, 1 BSP is to be a gift for someone who needs a good dose of encouragement.  There is nothing quite like receiving a new pipe and breaking it in with your favorite baccy.  It truly does lift the spirits.  It truly is better to give than to receive. It is always fun to see someone excited about something that you sent them with no strings attached.  I haven't decided whether to keep the last estate (a canadian) as I am not a huge fan of straight pipes.  However, I hear that they smoke extremely well.  I have listed it for sale on a couple of the forums I frequent.

Anyways, on to my devotions.  I have struggled a little bit lately to be in the right mindset for prayer and devotions.  My mind seems to wander way too much.  Pipe smoking gives me time to relax and to pray and read the Bible.  I make sure that I take the time to do both.  However, there seems to me, that my mind cant seem to slow down lately.  I will be in the middle of prayer, reading, and then I remember something I need to do, or a situation at work that I am dealing with.  Next thing I know, it is 15 minutes later and I have gotten sidetracked.   I know that this is just the evil one trying to keep me from growing spiritually.  So, I bring back my focus until the next time the rabbit trail crosses my path.  It is a constant struggle lately.

So, tonight, I got distracted by some website hosting and then some forums.  Fortunately, I remembered that I needed to do my reading and prayer.  I opened up my Bible app on my laptop, and proceeded to read.  I am glad that I did, as I was able to receive an encouraging word.  A lot of times I feel that I struggle with my relationship with God by myself.  That I am the only person I know that is really trying.  Well, I am not alone.  And I am not alone in pursuing a deeper relationship with God.  Tonight's reading was Isaiah 41:9-10.  It reads,

You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
And called from its farthest regions,
And said to you,
‘You are My servant,
I have chosen you and have not cast you away:
10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

It is encouraging to see that no matter how distracted, tired, or worn out we are, that God is by our side.  He doesn't ask us to be perfect, just to trust in Him.  

Well, it is now bedtime, and I need to get some sleep before my long day tomorrow.  My prayers are with you, whoever you might be.  

May God Bless you and Keep You.  May He make His face to shine upon You.  May you feel His love and presence surround you.

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Daily Devotional 09-14-2019

Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters, fellow disciples of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19-20 says: So, brothers, we have confidence to use ...