Saturday, September 07, 2019

Daily Devotional 09-07-2019

It is Saturday! Good morning, and a blessed day to you.

As I read, prayed, and thought about what to share this morning, nothing really jumped out at me until I got to Psalms 143:8:
"Make me hear of your love in the morning, because I rely on you. Make me know the way I should walk, because I entrust myself to you."

David is praying to God in the later years of his life when there was turmoil in his kingdom. Even as David is asking for deliverance from his enemies and asking God to work, this verse shows his real focus.

Sometimes, we get surrounded and overcome with life. This happens more than we want to admit. Everything is vying for attention. We don't know how to overcome it and it threatens to overwhelm us. David gives us the key... Reliance and trust in God.

When all is dark, who else do we have to rely on that will never let us down? No one. Jesus is the ONLY human who has never let anyone down. He is God, but also human. If there was a chance to let anyone down, he had the chance to bail on the cross. He could have refused to go, as Jesus said to His disciples that the Father had given everything into His hands. This was before His death. Jesus gave up EVERYTHING except his reliability to us. He would not let us down, even if it meant He had to give it all.

I encourage us all to have the attitude of David, especially when things threaten to overwhelm us.

-a brother in Jesus

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Daily Devotional 09-14-2019

Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters, fellow disciples of Jesus. Hebrews 10:19-20 says: So, brothers, we have confidence to use ...